Year 3 Closure Resources

Year Three's Gallery of Wonderful Work!


Week beginning 13th July

The Open University have put together some lovely reading activities which you might like to try, including the summer reading adventure.  Try them out here:

This week's offerings from the BBC:

Here's the first lesson from White Rose this week, the rest of them are below.  The video support link is also shown, in case you need some help.  Remember, if you're stuck on anything at all, just ring school (0191 2762762) and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can.

 Lesson 2 - Add and subtract capacity.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - Pictograms.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - Bar charts.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3
 Lesson 1 Answers - Compare capacity.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Add and subtract capacity.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Pictograms.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Bar charts.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Week beginning 6th July

If you want to play maths games over the holidays, this one comes highly recommended.  It's called Prodigy maths and you can sign up for free here:

White Rose maths for this week and the document underneath shows the video links for each lesson.  As always, if there's anything you're unsure of, just get in touch and we're happy to help.

 Lesson 1 - Measure mass (2).pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 - Compare mass.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - Add and subtract mass.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - Measure capacity (2).pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4
 Lesson 1 Answers - Draw accurately.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Recognise and describe 2D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Recognise and describe 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Measure capacity (2).pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Here are the weekly schedules for the BBC, Oak National Academy and Robin Hood MAT (which has some great links at the bottom of the last page):

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Week beginning 22nd  June

Here are this week's lessons from White Rose maths.  If there's anything you're not sure of, please just ring school and ask for some help and we'll be happy to get back to you.

Showing 1-4 of 4
 Lesson 1 Answers - Draw accurately.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Recognise and describe 2D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Recognise and describe 3D shapes.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Telling the time to 5 minutes.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

The Science Museum has some great experiments you can do at home.  One of our favourites is on page 16 of the booklet which involves cornflour (this is usually used to thicken soups, stews and gravy) and it might well be used in bullet-proof vests in future!  Here's the link:

Spellings with the 'cian' and 'cion' suffixes.  Both are pronounced 'shun' and if the word describes a person who does a job, then it's the 'cian' ending.  I remember this by thinking it's Ian the electrician, Ian the magician, and Ian the optician.  How will you choose to remember?

1.  magician                        5.  physician                        9.  build

2.  electrician                      6.  suspicion                      10.  busy

3.  optician                          7.  coercion

4.  beautician                      8.  bicycle

Use the spelling rule to help you to remember whether to use a single 's' or a double 's' at the end of the word:

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Week beginning 15th June

Check out some of the lessons at Oak National Academy:

Or, try some from the BBC

Week beginning 8th June

Here is the selection of lessons for this week from the BBC.  The Government have also produced lesson in partnership with Oak Academy and you can find out about them here:

Our maths this week is all to do with money.  Watch the short videos before you begin as they will explain how to answer the problems and may help to answer any questions you have.

 Lesson 2 Add money 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Subtract money 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 The 3 times-table 2019.pdfDownload
 Lesson-1-Convert-pounds-and-pence-2019 (1).pdfDownload
 Video Links Week 3.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Big Maths for this week: 

and answers from last week:

Pie Corbett has also released a creative writing unit which has some wonderful ideas for really stretching your vocabulary and you can access it here:

Here's a couple of puzzles for you to try.   For the second puzzle, if you don't have any matches, look for something else you could use, e.g. pencils or pens or even knives and forks!  When you've solved it, scroll down to find the answer.  

Robin Hood MAT are continuing to produce weekly activities.  Scroll 

Week beginning 1st June

Hello everyone! As we would be beginning a non-chronological block of learning in English. have a read of this text and answer the questions which follow:

Below is the maths for this week-ordering, adding, subtracting fractions and using fractions to solve problems. Good luck everyone!

 Lesson 1 - Order fractions 2020.pdfDownload
 Lesson 1 Answers - Order fractions 2020.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 - Add fractions 2020.pdfDownload
 Lesson 2 Answers - Add fractions 2020.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 - Subtract fractions 2020.pdfDownload
 Lesson 3 Answers - Subtract fractions 2020.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 - Problem solving with addition and subtraction of fractions.pdfDownload
 Lesson 4 Answers - Problem solving with addition and subtraction of fractions.pdfDownload
Showing 1-8 of 8

Here are the answers for last week's Big Maths and the new one for this week:

Week beginning 18th May

Hello Year 3! Here is your weekly dose of maths. I have uploaded two sections this week for anyone wishing to do a bit more. Firstly is some more fractions of numbers and secondly is some work on equivalent fractions. Remember there are also plenty of other websites to download free worksheets to stay busy such as: and

Instead of a spelling list to learn this week, have a go at finding the spelling and punctuation mistakes in this document. There are three challenges you can choose from...or maybe you could do all three!

Here is the weekly timetable for BBC Bitesize lessons:

Today is also International Museum Day!  Follow the link to some fantastic museums around the world in places like Paris, New York and Florence and try creating your own museum exhibits like these ones below (

Week beginning 11th May

Here is this week's Big Maths and last week's answers. How did you do?

Florence Nightingale

On the 12th May, it's 200 years since Florence Nightingale was born.  Have you heard of her?  Do you know what she did?  Could you make a fact file or poster about her?  Here's a link to some information about Florence to get you started:

Below is the next part of the fractions learning we would be doing this week, finding fractions of amounts and numbers. Give it a go, the answers are underneath :) 

Here is the BBC bitesize timetable for this week:

Week beginning 4th May

Hello everyone, below is the Big Maths for this week and the answers for last week, hope you did well!

Hello everyone! Have you tried the White Rose Fractions End of Block Assessment yet? If not, give it a go to find out what you need to focus your learning on within the fractions unit and remember there are lots of great games online to help. Here is a fun one to practice equivalent fractions: 

Don't forget BBC Bitesize are putting up three short lessons every day.  Here are today's:

Week beginning 27th April

Every Thursday we will now be putting a Big Maths up for you to keep a wide range of maths strategies fresh in your minds each week. Answers will be put up on Tuesday, hope you enjoy the challenge!

Magic Maths! Try this challenge to find out which of the 18 exciting destinations you'll be travelling to.  Does your destination change if you choose a different number to begin with?  Why do you think this is?

Hello Year 3! Last week I directed you all to the White rose Home Learning Resources ( Hopefully, your working your way through the fractions sections at the moment as this is exactly what we would be covering in school. In addition to this, there are some amazing free interactive games at: to keep the learning fun! Remember, you can also practise fractions around the house by:

  • Grouping objects equally into fractions
  • Linking capacity using liquid in containers
  • Folding paper into equal fractions
  • Making up house facts eg. One third of the rooms have pillows etc.
  • Counting how many people pass your house/cars drive past/cats you see etc and make fraction facts

Week beginning 20th April

Can you watch this video and have a guess what our topic this half-term is?

With all this beautiful sunshine maybe you could investigate some shadow silhouettes and see what interesting shapes you can make! Can you research the invention of the lightbulb, who do you think was the real inventor, Thomas Edison or Joseph Swan?

Just before the lockdown, we briefly began learning about fractions (can you remember what a unit and non-unit fraction are?). White Rose home learning has the unit we would be covering in school at the moment with some great explanation videos. Try the activities and remember to send any work to the admin team:

If you enjoyed the activities in the booklet we sent home before the lockdown, Robin Hood Trust have released a further 7 weeks of home learning projects which include fun things to do as well as educational activities.  Follow the link below:

Give yourselves a quick refresh of the multiplication and division unit we recently finished in school. On Thursday, we will move on to some new learning about fractions. Alongside this White Rose assessment, there are many ways to practise multiplying and dividing in the house, how many ways can you come up with?

As you know, we usually follow Pie Corbett's Talk4Writing in English and he has produced a lovely home-school learning booklet entitled 'The Truth about Trolls', which builds on the work we've done at school.

Have a look at the booklet and if you'd like to share any of your writing then send it to and we'll upload it onto our page.

Here's a picture of some letters of the alphabet found outside in the environment and underneath are some I've found in my house.  Can you find any 'letters' in your house or outside if you go for a walk? 


In your reading journals, one of the activities is to produce a story map from a story you have read at home. If you're struggling to think of a story to choose, why not use 'Journey by Aaron Becker' We all loved this book when we used it for our book reviews and I'm sure you would enjoy illustrating the story map as well as the book does! Here's a link to the book to jog your memory:

STORYTIME: David Walliams is doing a free audio story every day at 11o'clock. Have a listen to his funny stories here:


You were all doing so well with learning your times tables and the inverse operations. Stay on track and keep them fresh in your head by practising often. This doesn't have to be online either, you could use items around the house to group and share.  Make it fun - how may peas would each person get if you shared 60 peas between 3 people? If you do have access to online resources, see how fast you can play 'Hit the Button' on:

There are also great free worksheets for practising column addition, subtraction and multiplication (you don't need to print them as you can copy them from the screen) on: This resource is great as it categorises the learning objectives.  This could keep you busy for months :) 



Stay on top of your amazing Spanish learning this year by drawing your favourite pet and labelling its colour, body parts, name, family etc (all the things we have learnt this year). Some free Spanish games are available at:



As it is still our Healthy Active Lifestyle half-term, why don't you try making your own workout video for your classmates! You could also make the poster promoting a healthy lifestyle which was one of your booklet tasks.


Some simple activities to do each day:

Web links

Carol Vorderman has made her resources free for this period: Checkout and join up for free home videos. has some amazing pictures and follow-up questions/activities for English work.

Weekly Updates

 Week beginning 13th July

It was fantastic seeing so many of you last Thursday when you came to pick up your reports.  The weather couldn't have been better and it was great to have the chance to say goodbye in person.  It's a huge shame that we didn't get to spend the whole of Year 3 together, but we're sure you're all going to enjoy Year 4 and the things you'll learn about and do.  We're very sad to say goodbye and hope that you and your families have a safe and amazing summer!

Final words of wisdom from the wonderful Charlie Mackesy:

Try this the next time you go outside.  How many things can you find?

Week beginning 6th July

It's hard to believe that this is the penultimate (second last) week! The last three months have gone really quickly in one sense but it seems like ages since we saw you all and we can't wait to see you on Thursday when you come for your reports!

Here's a puzzle to get your brains working!  Tip: don't just stay on the dots, you can draw past them.  The answer is on the second page but don't look at it until you've really tried to work it out!  

Week beginning 22nd  June

Hello Y3!

 Ava in 3B has been working incredibly hard and sent us some lovely work last week, which you can see in the gallery above.  It includes English, science and our history topic 'Marvellous Metals' which investigates the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.  Do send us any work you've done - we'd love to see it and share it.

Hello Y3!  

This is the week we swap Y3 classes, so if you haven't already completed the form saying which three people you'd like to be with (you're guaranteed to be with one of them), then do so as soon as you can as the deadline is on Wednesday!  Mr McVittie is including pictures of work that children have done at home in his weekly round-up, so do send in pictures of any work you've completed and we'll make sure it's included.

Thought for the week:

Try these riddles and puzzles, but don't look at the answers until you've finished!

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Week beginning 15th June

Hello again Y3!  Although the weather hasn't been great this week, it hasn't stopped Lianna from being incredibly busy!  Have a look at the pictures of her work below.  Remember that you can send in any work you'd like to share too, we'd love to see it!

Another gem from Charlie Mackesy: 

Week beginning 8th June

Hello Y3!  This week feels very different as some of our Y6 children return to school.  We're not sure when other year groups will be able to come back but hopefully it won't be too long as we're missing you all hugely!


Week beginning 1st June

Hello Y3! Welcome to what would be our new and last half term! This half term we would have been learning all about the Stone Age. You can click on this link to find information about the Stone Age, Iron Age and Bronze Age.  See below for some homework ideas and remember to send any work you would like us to see to

Week beginning 18th May

Hello Y3!

Today is the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Week.  Mental health is all about the thoughts we think and the feelings we have and it is just as important as physical health.   This year the focus is on kindness - to ourselves and each other.  No act of kindness is ever wasted and sometimes the smallest act of kindness can have the biggest effect.  Have a go at some of the challenges on the left and can you think of any acts of kindness you could share?  Send them in to and we'll post them on our page.  Below is a message from the artist Charlie Macksey, who wrote the wonderful book The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse:

Week beginning 11th May

Hello again!

We've been receiving pictures of some of your lovely work which are shown below - keep sending them in!   If there are any questions you have or any topics you'd like help with, get in touch by email ( or telephone (0191 2762762) and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.  

Week beginning 4th May

Here's a fun activity to do around the house, but remember to ask permission before sticking any eyes!


Hello Year 3!

We hope you and your families are staying safe and we're really looking forward to the time when we can all get back together.  Until then, there's the exciting Quest adventure - have you decided on your family name and motto yet?


Poet's Corner

How many sounds did you manage to collect?  Which one was the most unusual? Once you've finished collecting them, you might like to try making some sounds of your own!  If you make a tune you really like, try adding some words.  

Week beginning 27th April

Hello Year 3

We hope you're still enjoying the lovely weather we're having and are able to get outside, even if it's just for a short walk.  We thought this week you might enjoy a puzzle, and here's one from a website called Boromi ( which offers daily games and activities for you and your family to play, using bits and pieces from around your house.  Today's activity is a Morse code challenge and you can send a message to us at and we'll try to crack it! We've also uploaded a couple of other things for you that we liked, because they really make you think!

Story time...

Week beginning 20th April

Hello again Y3!

We hope you all had a lovely Easter and were able to enjoy the sunny days.  Every Tuesday and Thursday we will be uploading new activities to help you with your learning.  In addition, BBC Bitesize are offering short daily lessons in maths, English, science, geography, history and more to help you and your parents/carers with school work at home during the lockdown.  Here's the link:

Chatterpack have compiled a huge list of websites offering lots of fun and educational activities for children of all ages:

Week beginning 6th April

Happy Easter Y3!

We hope you’re all enjoying the Easter Holidays and are keeping busy and active.  Exercising in the morning is a great thing to do – it really wakes you up and fills you with energy for the day ahead.  You could use some of that energy to have some fun and make this little book and fill it with challenges and puzzles for other people in your house to do (spot the correct spelling, dot-to-dot, spot the difference pictures, riddles etc) or you can use it as a diary to write down your thoughts and feelings about life during the lockdown.  After the holidays, we’ll upload work for you each week and if you’ve any questions, email or ring 0191 2762762 and we’ll get back to you.  We wish you and your family a safe and happy Easter!


Week beginning 30th March

If anyone has misplaced their Reading Journal, here is a reminder of activities 1-25 that you could do:

Hello everyone

Hope you and your families are all well and managing to keep busy.  

Here's a daily maths challenge for you - the answers to today's challenge will be published tomorrow at the bottom of the page!

Good morning Year 3! We are sending all our best wishes and warmest thoughts at this time! You can keep updated on here each week with lots of activities to do and fun learning to keep you in the school spirit!

Speak soon,

Miss Lewis and Mrs Jackson 

Maths Challenge answers:

Maths Challenge 1