
Welcome to our arts curriculum page, here you will find out about the art we deliver in our curriculum. Throughout school our children will develop skills in sculpture, drawing, colour and printing/collage through a process of experiencing, experimenting and evaluating. Our curriculum is also informed by our Arts Ambassadors who meet monthly to share ideas. At Hotspur we really value the unique position our school is in geographically, we regularly collaborate with local artists from the Ouseburn as well as forging strong links with the Great North Museum, The Hatton Gallery and the Laing Art Gallery, all of which are within walking distance from school. Not only do our children benefit from visiting these galleries but also we have recently worked with the Laing to enhance the professional development for our staff.







We are passionate about art at Hotspur so it is not confined to just the art lesson. In addition to the many Curriculum Projects we run, which often include an art element, the whole school also takes part in an Art Early Work each week at the start of the morning or afternoon. Take a look below to get a flavour of the different Art Early Work activities.