
Welcome to our science curriculum page. Below you will find our Hotspur Science Vision Statement alongside our 5 Hotspur Science Principles, these form the foundations of all our lessons in science. Not only does our curriculum cover aspects of biology, chemistry and physics at an age appropriate level, working scientifically is interwoven into all areas of the science curriculum so the children can investigate, use our fantastic grounds and really discover what it is to be a scientist. Have a look at this page to find out a bit more about what we do in science, how we utilise glossaries and useful websites that can support your child to discover their inner scientist at home.


We really value the importance of teaching the children scientific vocabulary so for every topic they cover in science there is a glossary. The children will complete this as they journey through their learning in science lessons. Below you will find an example for KS1 and KS2.


To become a scientist we need to know how to work scientifically so the skills required to do this are incorporated into every science lesson we teach.


If you would like explore to explore some science at home then this is great website to get you started.



Every year we celebrate science as part of our STEAM week which takes place in the Spring Term. Click on the image below to find out more.