Relationships and Thrive (including RSE – Relationships and Sex Education)

A very warm welcome to our Relationships and Thrive curriculum page. Here at Hotspur, Relationships and our Thrive Approach are interwoven throughout the wider curriculum, our core values and are a key element of our Behaviour policy.

Children take part in fortnightly Relationship and Thrive lessons. We use Thrive Online® to assess each class to plan bespoke support according to needs. These lessons also encompass health education and first aid.  In addition, children have weekly opportunities during assemblies to reflect upon online relationships, families and people who care for us, respectful relationships, being safe and caring friendships. Children will also explore these themes within the science and computing curriculum.  We also take part in national events such as: Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Anti-bullying Week and Safer Internet Day, to enrich our curriculum offer.

Our curriculum overview can be found below, we do sometimes adapt this offer to meet the needs of individuals or small groups when required. When this is the case, we will inform parents and carers.

 RSE POLICY 2022.pdfDownload
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Each term, the whole school focus on one big question. These questions are designed to encourage discussion, collaboration and enquiry.


Each class uses a floor book to collect and share key elements of the learning in Relationship and Thrive lessons. These can be referred back to throughout the year to recap learning.